Deacon Nomination Form

The following qualification of deacons is from the Constitution and Bylaws of Hopeful Baptist Church. Deacon nomination forms are due by July 1, 2023.

Section E. Deacons:

  1. Term of office:

    1. Ordination of a Deacon shall be for life. 

    2. Term of service shall be for three (3) years rotating off for at least one (1) year. 

    3. A list of ordained Deacons will be maintained for those that have rotated off as well as newly ordained deacons waiting to serve.


  1. Qualifications:

    1. A church deacon must meet the qualifications listed in1Timothy 3:8-13 and Titus 1:5-9.

    2. A deacon shall demonstrate an exemplary Christian testimony in private, family, and public life; a committed Christian leader and partner of the pastor; supporter and promoter of the church faith, practice, programs, and ministries


  1. Nomination of Deacons

    1. Any church member may submit a name in writing of a potential deacon to the Chairman of the Deacons at any time. 

    2. The Chairman of the Board will appoint a committee to examine the qualifications of the potential candidate.  If the candidate meets the qualifications an interview will be conducted with the Senior Pastor and the Deacon board.  The nominee must be a church member for more than 1 year.

    3. If the candidate is accepted the individual(s) name will be presented to church membership for a vote at the next regular business meeting.

    4. After the candidate is approved by the church membership the Senior Pastor will schedule an Ordination service if the individual is not already ordained by another church.  However, the Senior Pastor at his discretion may ordain the individual.


  1. Election:

    1. When a deacon vacancy occurs, the chairman of the Deacons shall announce the potential Deacon Candidates names to the Deacon Board.

    2. The Deacon Board will enlist active men to be recommended to the church. The duties, qualifications, and importance of the office of a deacon will be interpreted to the candidates and be reviewed to the church prior to the schedule election of deacons.


  1. Ordination:

    1. Prior to the selection, election, and ordination of the Deacon candidate the Pastor and Deacon Board will examine the potential candidate for consideration.

    2. When the Pastor and Deacons recommends the ordination of deacon(s), the Ordination service shall be scheduled by the Pastor.

  2. Duties:

    1. Shall elect their own officers, which consist of Chairman, chairman-elect and secretary.  The secretary shall serve for a one-year term beginning in October.  The chairman-elect shall be elected in the October Deacon’s meeting to serve for a one-year term as chairman-elect and then one year as chairman.

    2. Deacons serve as a committee of counsel to assist the pastor concerning the progress and welfare of the church.

    3. Assist the pastor in ministering to the church members.

Hopeful Baptist Church Deacon Nomination Form